If you want to exchange products purchased from FabAlley, please follow the below-mentioned steps:

You can create an exchange request for products purchased from FabAlley within 15 days of its delivery under the “My Orders” section of the FabAlley App/Website/M-site. If your address is serviceable for exchange you will be able to proceed and generate an exchange id. Please note down your exchange id for future reference

Place the product in a packet and seal it. Please ensure the product is unused, unwashed, and has all the tags intact.

Hand over the original product to our delivery staff once he/she arrives for the return pick-up

Once the product is received at our warehouse and passes the necessary quality checks, we will ship the requested size as exchange. Please note that if the exchange size is not available at our warehouse, we will contact you to convert your return into store credit or refund, as per your preference

In case you face any size issue with the exchanged product as well, please note that we will not provide a further exchange. You may self-ship the exchange back to us, and we will process store credit/refund for the same (excluding Shipping and/or COD charges) as per your preference

The exchange process at FabAlley takes 15 - 18 business days from the date of placing the exchange request